Friday, 1 April 2005

April Fools Day

That's it. As of today 11 am EST, the Borg have assimilated META.

Gone is the brand, the consulting division bar the cost based benchmarking activity (.9 probability) as most MGC consultants are out and quite a few analysts. The situation in EMEA is probably not as bad as in the US -see this GartnerWatch post- but I've been confirmed that between 6 and 12 analysts are out. If you had any papers or ongoing consulting projects with META, it's about time to worry...

The Q&A contains some interesting gems:

  • META clients will have access to Gartner research and vice-versa (the META research will be kindly archived on Gartner's site). Additional costs are not mentioned -nor any cashback possibility in case of duplicate subscriptions.
  • "Gartner and former META Group analysts will reconcile any conflicting positions through rigorous research review processes (that exist within both Gartner and META Group today)". How they blend the METAspectrums and Magic Quadrants will be interesting....
  • The question for ongoing contracts is eluded: "In a few cases, a change to a particular product or service may be necessary."
  • METAmorphosis Barcelona seems to have been cancelled, probably merged into the spring Symposium also in Barcelona

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