Tuesday 26 April 2005

Stuck with a META contract?

We estimate that the overlap between META and Gartner IT vendors customer sets is well over 60% (more in the 90+ range in the USA). So, now that Gartner has acquired META, what should IT vendors do if they have contracts with both?

Since all the META research can be accessed by Gartner clients, there is little value in keeping RAS contracts with META. Gartner does not seem to be forthcoming with many alternatives, and we would just advise to cancel it at the first opportunity. For those who have paid upfront, the issue is to get their money back.

We would be interested in your feedback as to whether Gartner shows flexibility, for instance by giving credits, SAS vouchers, etc.... Pls feel free send your observations to ARonaut@bigfoot.com.

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