Friday 2 September 2005 interview with an odd Gabriel

The big blue AR blogette Catherine Helzesomehting has interviewed Dan Olds from Gabriel Consulting, a small US (mostly) vendor facing analyst firm. It’s quite sweet and worth a read!

There are some gems in this interview:

  • Being an analyst involves work: when asked for his advice for newcomers, Dan's response was that “I personally believe that everyone should get out of this business as soon as possible”. He seems to find tough “selling to strangers” and that he “also have to actually do the work”. Really?

  • He seems lonely, as he goes on suggesting AR professionals to “Give me flowers for no special reason.

  • There’s a real interesting vendor horror story, involving vendors posing as a research firm, legal threats, bullying, cancelling briefings at virtually no-notice, etc… Could it be the same vendor as this one? This section alone is enough to read the interview and save itin your “what not to do” file.

  • For AR beginners, check the “pay for play” question too.

  • Finally, it’s worth noting what he expects from events: access to execs and techies. We’ve heard this so often that it’s probably worth engraving above your cube. : Interview with Dan Olds, Gabriel Consulting Group

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am not sure the irony came through as richly as it might. a podcast might have made the humour clearer